Monday, 15 April 2013

Week 11 - Reflexion on "Emma on the seaside"

Today, we had to watch Emma on the seaside, a story by our classmates : Charline, Lucy, Léa and Chloé. And we had to give our opinion on this story and give ideas to make it better.

First, we noticed that the pronunciation is perfect, as Lucy is English. She insisted on important words such as colours and adjectives, which is the pedagogic aim.
Talking about the recording, we heard some noisy exterior sounds sometimes but we like the sounds of train, waves, insects...
Then, few drawings could be improve as the cake in which some flowers are not coloured but they are all very nice and are focused on the important colours.
On the pedagogic side, the story is focused on colours, which is a good thing to teach for children, and on vocabulary of holidays. Simple words are used so it makes the story understandable.

However, the fact that Lucy is almost the only talking is a shame, the group should split up the voices more, but it is just a detail.

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